Friday, April 23, 2010

The moment of truth

and it is not pretty.

I finally stepped on the scale this morning after a couple of months.


I haven't been honest with myself about how much I've put in my mouth...

Or the quality of what has gone in my mouth.

So... even though

I don't WANT to put the number on here...

here it is...


Ugh... up another 10 pounds.

10 pounds away from my highest ever.

Well, knowledge is power right. So I change today. Back to counting calories and eating as clean as possible. No more fries on the side. More water, less tea. Less frufru coffee and back to the basics.

I think I'll make a trip to the farmers market this weekend.

If I lose 2 pounds a week, I might can lose 10 by Memorial day...
So that'll be my first goal! I'm going to be sharing on here again! Thanks ahead of time for the support!


Janna said...

Congrats for facing the scale! It is so hard...but so worth it when we realize what we have done and make steps to move forward!

Have fun at the farmer's market...

How did the closet go? I cleaned my closet yesterday...thanks for the push!

Its Just Me - Daring to Dream said...

Its good to know how much you weigh, but remember: you are healthy. First be happy with that. And know you are on the right track because the first step to improvement is accessing where you are and then where you want to go. You have so much more discipline than I. I am sure you will lose the weight you want in no time and in a much healthier manner that I ever could. You have a cheer leader in your corner! Good luck!

Josie said...

Sorry I missed this the other day when you first posted it. Well, at least now you know. The scale doesn't define you! You have a great attitude and I have no doubts you can lose 10 by Memorial Day.